Research ArticleHuman Studies
Reproducibility of Measurements of Regional Resting and Hyperemic Myocardial Blood Flow Assessed with PET
Shigeki Nagamachi, Johannes Czernin, Anatole S. Kim, Karl T. Sun, Morten Böttcher, Michael E. Phelps and Heinrich R. Schelbert
Journal of Nuclear Medicine October 1996, 37 (10) 1626-1631;
Shigeki Nagamachi
Johannes Czernin
Anatole S. Kim
Karl T. Sun
Morten Böttcher
Michael E. Phelps
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Reproducibility of Measurements of Regional Resting and Hyperemic Myocardial Blood Flow Assessed with PET
Shigeki Nagamachi, Johannes Czernin, Anatole S. Kim, Karl T. Sun, Morten Böttcher, Michael E. Phelps, Heinrich R. Schelbert
Journal of Nuclear Medicine Oct 1996, 37 (10) 1626-1631;
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