Research ArticleHuman Studies
Effect of Aging on Myocardial Perfusion Reserve
Neal G. Uren, Paolo G. Camici, Jacques A. Melin, Anne Bol, Bernard de Bruyne, Johannes Radvan, Iacopo Olivotto, Stuart D. Rosen, Mario Impallomeni and William Wijns
Journal of Nuclear Medicine November 1995, 36 (11) 2032-2036;
Neal G. Uren
Paolo G. Camici
Jacques A. Melin
Anne Bol
Bernard de Bruyne
Johannes Radvan
Iacopo Olivotto
Stuart D. Rosen
Mario Impallomeni

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Effect of Aging on Myocardial Perfusion Reserve
Neal G. Uren, Paolo G. Camici, Jacques A. Melin, Anne Bol, Bernard de Bruyne, Johannes Radvan, Iacopo Olivotto, Stuart D. Rosen, Mario Impallomeni, William Wijns
Journal of Nuclear Medicine Nov 1995, 36 (11) 2032-2036;
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