Research ArticleClinical Sciences
Thallium-201 Myocardial Perfusion Scintigrams in the Evaluation of Aorto-Coronary Saphenous Bypass Surgery
Mario S. Verani, Melvin L. Marcus, George Spoto, Nicholas P. Rossi, James C. Ehrhardt and Muhammad A. Razzak
Journal of Nuclear Medicine July 1978, 19 (7) 765-772;
Mario S. Verani
Melvin L. Marcus
George Spoto
Nicholas P. Rossi
James C. Ehrhardt

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In this issue
Thallium-201 Myocardial Perfusion Scintigrams in the Evaluation of Aorto-Coronary Saphenous Bypass Surgery
Mario S. Verani, Melvin L. Marcus, George Spoto, Nicholas P. Rossi, James C. Ehrhardt, Muhammad A. Razzak
Journal of Nuclear Medicine Jul 1978, 19 (7) 765-772;
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