Research ArticleClinical Sciences
Sensitivity and Specificity of Thallium-201 Perfusion Scintigrams under Exercise in the Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease
Mario S. Verani, Melvin L. Marcus, Muhammad A. Razzak and James C. Ehrhardt
Journal of Nuclear Medicine July 1978, 19 (7) 773-782;
Mario S. Verani
Melvin L. Marcus
Muhammad A. Razzak

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In this issue
Sensitivity and Specificity of Thallium-201 Perfusion Scintigrams under Exercise in the Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease
Mario S. Verani, Melvin L. Marcus, Muhammad A. Razzak, James C. Ehrhardt
Journal of Nuclear Medicine Jul 1978, 19 (7) 773-782;
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