In the article “MRI or 18F-FDG PET for Brain Age Gap Estimation: Links to Cognition, Pathology, and Alzheimer Disease Progression,” by Doering et al. (J Nucl Med. 2024;65:147–155), the footnote of Table 1 mistakenly reads, “*Significantly different from ADNI CD.”; however, the footnote should read, “*Significantly different from ADNI CN.” The error has been corrected in the online article. We regret the error.
In the article, “177Lu-Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen Therapy in Patients with Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer and Prior 223Ra (RALU Study)” by Rahbar et al. (J Nucl Med. 2023;64:1925– 1931), some errors have been identified in Table 1, the abstract, main body of the article, and the supplemental data. The corrected Table 1 is provided here. The corrected Supplemental Table 4 can be found in the supplemental data online. The errors do not change the message or key findings of the paper. However, the authors regret the errors.
In Table 1 and in the first paragraph of the Results section of the main body of the article, the number (percentage of patients with ECOG PS 1 and 2 was incorrectly stated as being 82 (62) and 51 (38), respectively. The correct ECOG values are as follows: ECOG 1, 17 (13); ECOG 2, 49 (37); ECOG 3, 13 (10); ECOG 4, 2 (2); missing, 52 (39).
In Table 1, the Results section of the abstract, the second paragraph of the Results section in the main body of the article, and the graphical abstract, the number (percentage) of patients who received at least 4 prior life-prolonging therapies was incorrectly stated as being 75 (56). The correct values are 76 (57).
In the Results section of the abstract and the second paragraph of the Results section in the main body of the article, the percentage of patients who received 5–6 223Ra injections was incorrectly stated as being 73%. The correct percentage is 74%.
In Supplemental Table 4, the number (percentage) of patients with ECOG PS 1 or 2 was incorrectly stated as 37 (65) and 20 (35), respectively, for patients who received the Ra→Tax→Lu treatment sequence and 31 (62) and 19 (38), respectively, for patients who received the Tax→Ra→Lu treatment sequence. The correct ECOG PS values for Ra→Tax→Lu treatment are as follows: ECOG 1, 6 (11); ECOG 2, 22 (39); ECOG 3, 7 (12); ECOG 4, 1 (2); missing 21 (37). The correct ECOG PS values for Tax→Ra→Lu treatment are as follows: ECOG 1, 7 (14); ECOG 2, 16 (32); ECOG 3, 6 (12); ECOG 4, 1 (2); missing, 20 (40).
Baseline Demographics and Clinical Characteristics Before or at Start of 177Lu-PSMA
- © 2024 by the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.