Index by author
May 1, 2011; Volume 52,Issue 5
A.wieder, Hinrich
- You have accessPredictive Value of Initial 18F-FLT Uptake in Patients with Aggressive Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Receiving R-CHOP TreatmentKen Herrmann, Andreas K. Buck, Tibor Schuster, Alexandra Junger, Hinrich A.Wieder, Nicolas Graf, Ingo Ringshausen, Martina Rudelius, Hans-Jürgen Wester, Markus Schwaiger, Ulrich Keller and Tobias DechowJournal of Nuclear Medicine May 1, 2011, 52 (5) 690-696; DOI:
Abi-hatem, Nathalie
- You have accessImpact of Time-of-Flight PET on Whole-Body Oncologic Studies: A Human Observer Lesion Detection and Localization StudySuleman Surti, Joshua Scheuermann, Georges El Fakhri, Margaret E. Daube-Witherspoon, Ruth Lim, Nathalie Abi-Hatem, Elie Moussallem, Francois Benard, David Mankoff and Joel S. KarpJournal of Nuclear Medicine May 1, 2011, 52 (5) 712-719; DOI:
Aide, Nicolas
- You have accessPostchemotherapy Residual Masses in Nonseminomatous Germ Cell Tumor Patients: 18F-FLT PET Is Unlikely to Identify Mature Teratoma, but Imaging of αvβ3 Integrin Expression CouldFlorence Joly, Maria Paciencia, Catherine Bor and Nicolas AideJournal of Nuclear Medicine May 1, 2011, 52 (5) 840; DOI:
Allaart, Cornelis P.
- You have accessParametric Images of Myocardial Viability Using a Single 15O-H2O PET/CT ScanHendrik J. Harms, Stefan de Haan, Paul Knaapen, Cornelis P. Allaart, Adriaan A. Lammertsma and Mark LubberinkJournal of Nuclear Medicine May 1, 2011, 52 (5) 745-749; DOI:
Amthauer, Holger
- You have access68Ga-DOTATOC PET/CT of Neuroendocrine Tumors: Spotlight on the CT Phases of a Triple-Phase ProtocolJuri Ruf, Jan Schiefer, Christian Furth, Ortud Kosiek, Siegfried Kropf, Friederike Heuck, Timm Denecke, Marianne Pavel, Andreas Pascher, Bertram Wiedenmann and Holger AmthauerJournal of Nuclear Medicine May 1, 2011, 52 (5) 697-704; DOI:
Angle, James
- You have access18F-Fluorobenzyl Triphenyl Phosphonium: A Noninvasive Sensor of Brown Adipose Tissue ThermogenesisIgal Madar, Takuro Isoda, Paige Finley, James Angle and Richard WahlJournal of Nuclear Medicine May 1, 2011, 52 (5) 808-814; DOI:
Antke, Christina
- You have accessDiagnostic Accuracy of Combined FP-CIT, IBZM, and MIBG Scintigraphy in the Differential Diagnosis of Degenerative Parkinsonism: A Multidimensional Statistical ApproachMartin Südmeyer, Christina Antke, Tanja Zizek, Markus Beu, Susanne Nikolaus, Lars Wojtecki, Alfons Schnitzler and Hans-Wilhelm MüllerJournal of Nuclear Medicine May 1, 2011, 52 (5) 733-740; DOI:
Antoni, Gunnar
- You have access18F-ML-10, a PET Tracer for Apoptosis: First Human StudyJohanna Höglund, Anat Shirvan, Gunnar Antoni, Sven-Åke Gustavsson, Bengt Långström, Anna Ringheim, Jens Sörensen, Miri Ben-Ami and Ilan ZivJournal of Nuclear Medicine May 1, 2011, 52 (5) 720-725; DOI:
Barber, Paul R.
- You have accessErbB-2 Blockade and Prenyltransferase Inhibition Alter Epidermal Growth Factor and Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Trafficking and Enhance 111In-DTPA-hEGF Auger Electron Radiation TherapyBart Cornelissen, Sonali Darbar, Rebecca Hernandez, Veerle Kersemans, Iain Tullis, Paul R. Barber, Sean Smart, Borivoj Vojnovic, Raymond Reilly and Katherine A. VallisJournal of Nuclear Medicine May 1, 2011, 52 (5) 776-783; DOI:
Ben-ami, Miri
- You have access18F-ML-10, a PET Tracer for Apoptosis: First Human StudyJohanna Höglund, Anat Shirvan, Gunnar Antoni, Sven-Åke Gustavsson, Bengt Långström, Anna Ringheim, Jens Sörensen, Miri Ben-Ami and Ilan ZivJournal of Nuclear Medicine May 1, 2011, 52 (5) 720-725; DOI: