Objectives The safe transportation of curie quantities of radioactivity from a cyclotron to a satellite PET synthesis facility is of paramount importance to the practicing radiochemists. Herein we describe a commercial tungsten pig that has been modified for safe shipment and utilization of curie quantities of F-18 fluoride housed in a septum sealed vial. Details of the construction of the tungsten pig, cap, and introduction to our remote controlled synthesis unit will be presented. This device and associated lead lined shipping box have recently been approved by the DOT.
Methods A tungsten pig has been modified for the shipment and utilization of curie quantities of F-18 fluoride housed in a septum sealed vial. These modifications include a spring supported Teflon vial holder and an interlocking tungsten cap. This modified tungsten pig was introduced to the hot-cell, by removing the interlocking cap and inserting the base of the pig into a recessed holder that locks it into position. The F-18 fluoride was introduced into our remote system via 3 needles, that have been mounted to an electronic actuator arm. This arm was lowered into a septum sealed vial, the contents pressurized, and the F-18 solution transferred within the system. An introduction to our remote controlled synthesis unit will also be presented
Results This tungsten pig, interlocking tungsten cap, and associated lead lined shipping device allows for the safe transport of curie quantities of F-18 fluoride from a cyclptron facitily that is 45 miles from the PET synthesis facility.
Conclusions This device and associated lead lined shipping box have recently been approved by the DOT for the transport of F-18 fluoride.
- © 2009 by Society of Nuclear Medicine