Research ArticleGeneral Nuclear Medicine
Pleomorphic Adenoma of the Salivary Glands: Correlation Between Gallium-67 Uptake and Histopathological Components
Tomonori Yoshikai, Nobuhisa Yonemitsu, Junichiro Ishimaru, Makoto Mihara, Takemoto Shin and Sho Kudo
Journal of Nuclear Medicine March 1998, 39 (3) 537-541;
Tomonori Yoshikai
Nobuhisa Yonemitsu
Junichiro Ishimaru
Makoto Mihara
Takemoto Shin

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In this issue
Pleomorphic Adenoma of the Salivary Glands: Correlation Between Gallium-67 Uptake and Histopathological Components
Tomonori Yoshikai, Nobuhisa Yonemitsu, Junichiro Ishimaru, Makoto Mihara, Takemoto Shin, Sho Kudo
Journal of Nuclear Medicine Mar 1998, 39 (3) 537-541;
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