Case ReportNuclear Cardiology
Myocardial Perfusion, Glucose Utilization and Oxidative Metabolism in a Patient with Left Bundle Branch Block, Prior Myocardial Infarction and Diabetes
Pierluigi Zanco, Franca Chierichetti, Alberto Fini, Serena Cargnel and Giorgio Ferlin
Journal of Nuclear Medicine February 1998, 39 (2) 261-263;
Pierluigi Zanco
Franca Chierichetti
Alberto Fini
Serena Cargnel

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In this issue
Journal of Nuclear Medicine
Vol. 39, Issue 2
February 1, 1998
Myocardial Perfusion, Glucose Utilization and Oxidative Metabolism in a Patient with Left Bundle Branch Block, Prior Myocardial Infarction and Diabetes
Pierluigi Zanco, Franca Chierichetti, Alberto Fini, Serena Cargnel, Giorgio Ferlin
Journal of Nuclear Medicine Feb 1998, 39 (2) 261-263;
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