Index by author
April 1, 1996; Volume 37,Issue 4
Alam, Mohammad Sayeedul
- You have accessTumoricidal Cytokines Enhance Radioiodine Uptake in Cultured Thyroid Cancer CellsTakashi Misaki, Shinichi Miyamoto, Mohammad Sayeedul Alam, Kanji Kasagi and Junji KonishiJournal of Nuclear Medicine April 1, 1996, 37 (4) 646-648;
Altieri, Paolo
- You have accessDouble-Phase Parathyroid Technetium-99m-MIBI Scintigraphy to Identify Functional Autonomy in Secondary HyperparathyroidismMario Piga, Piergiorgio Bolasco, Loredana Satta, Paolo Altieri, Gianluigi Loi, Angelo Nicolosi, Achille Tarquini and Stefano MariottiJournal of Nuclear Medicine April 1, 1996, 37 (4) 565-569;
Atkins, Frank B.
- You have accessPositive Technetium-99m-Red Blood Cell Gastrointestinal Bleeding Scan after Barium Small-Bowel StudyPatrice K. Rehm, Frank B. Atkins and Harvey A. ZiessmanJournal of Nuclear Medicine April 1, 1996, 37 (4) 643;
Baars, Joke B.
- You have accessRadiation Pneumonitis Imaged with Indium-111-PentetreotideRenato A. Valdés Olmos, Nico van Zandwijk, Liesbeth J. Boersma, Cornelis A. Hoefnagel, Paul Baas, Joke B. Baars, Saar H. Muller and Joos V. LebesqueJournal of Nuclear Medicine April 1, 1996, 37 (4) 584-588;
Baas, Paul
- You have accessRadiation Pneumonitis Imaged with Indium-111-PentetreotideRenato A. Valdés Olmos, Nico van Zandwijk, Liesbeth J. Boersma, Cornelis A. Hoefnagel, Paul Baas, Joke B. Baars, Saar H. Muller and Joos V. LebesqueJournal of Nuclear Medicine April 1, 1996, 37 (4) 584-588;
Bacharach, Stephen L.
- You have accessEffect of Smoothing during Transmission Processing on Quantitative Cardiac PET ScansNanette M.T. Freedman, Stephen L. Bacharach, Richard E. Carson, Julie C. Price and Vasken DilsizianJournal of Nuclear Medicine April 1, 1996, 37 (4) 690-694;
Bajc, Marika
- You have accessDynamic Indium-111-Pentetreotide Scintigraphy in Breast CancerMarika Bajc, Christian Ingvar and John PalmerJournal of Nuclear Medicine April 1, 1996, 37 (4) 622-626;
Bastidas, Diego
- You have accessTechnetium-99m-White Blood Cell-Specific Imaging Agent Developed from Platelet Factor 4 to Detect InfectionBrian R. Moyer, Shankar Vallabhajosula, John Lister-James, Larry R. Bush, John E. Cyr, Debra A. Snow, Diego Bastidas, Helena Lipszyc and Richard T. DeanJournal of Nuclear Medicine April 1, 1996, 37 (4) 673-679;
Berman, Karen Faith
- You have accessGender Differences in Cerebral Blood Flow as a Function of Cognitive State with PETGiuseppe Esposito, John D. Van Horn, Daniel R. Weinberger and Karen Faith BermanJournal of Nuclear Medicine April 1, 1996, 37 (4) 559-564;
Berna, Lluís
- You have accessTechnetium-99m-Methoxyisobutylisonitrile in Localization of Ectopic Parathyroid AdenomaLluís Bernà, Assumpta Caixás, Joan Piera, Guillem Gómez, Xavier Matías-Guiu, Montserrat Estorch, Manel Puig and Ignasi CarrióJournal of Nuclear Medicine April 1, 1996, 37 (4) 631-633;
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