Learning Objectives To use a new semi-automated software tool for tumor volume measurement that would make volume-based parameters more easily generated in both research and clinical settings.
We developed a software tool named Metavol, which is dedicated to metabolic tumor volume measurement in whole-body FDG PET-CT. The aim of this software tool is to make volumetry procedure easier, less time-consuming, and more reproducible between operators. It has three new features. First, a semi-automated tumor/non-tumor separation algorithm is implemented by a stepwise thresholding technique. When tumor and non-tumor uptakes on image are visually inseparable (e.g., between uterine cancer and bladder, lung cancer and myocardium), manual interaction is conventionally needed to determine the tumor volume. The separation, however, is accomplished automatically in many cases using the algorithm. Second, a semi-automated function to define the volume of interest in the liver to use PERCIST’s criteria is implemented by the use of coefficient of variation minimization. These semi-automated features contribute to reduction of inter-operator variability of tumor volume. Third, Metavol reduces cursor pointing operation (using a computer mouse) by highlighting all the hot islands in the entire body and then requesting the operator to only select the tumor lesions. Manual modification of tumor volume is also available. Various measurable parameters, including metabolic tumor volume, total lesion glycolysis, max and peak for both SUV and SUL, are automatically calculated. Metavol has a user-friendly interface with which the operator can easily change the display layout to transaxial, coronal, sagittal slice, or maximum intensity projection view of PET only, CT only, or PET-CT fusion. Panning, zooming, and paging are done by a single mouse-clicking operation. The program accepts DICOM formats generated from commercial PET-CT scanners. Metavol is provided free of charge at https://sites.google.com/site/metavolapp/.