- Only submit to https://submit-jnm.snmjournals.org/
- Only emails from snmmi.org are official
- No fees charged until after acceptance for publication
- No external services represent JNM
The Journal of Nuclear Medicine has been made aware that external submission sites and services claiming to be JNM are soliciting authors, editors, and reviewers, going so far as to fabricate acceptance letters using images and elements from our site.
JNM has only one submission site and has no affiliation with any third-party submission service. Official communications regarding submissions will originate from the submission system or journal staff with snmmi.org email addresses. Authors that rely on external editing or submission assistance services are responsible for evaluating the integrity, history, practices, and reputation of those services. Services that claim to be acting on behalf of JNM are not legitimate. Submissions to JNM should be made directly through our submission site.
JNM will never request or charge a fee for review or any service prior to acceptance for publication. Publication fees are charged only after a submission is accepted for publication. Any service that charges an article-related fee prior to acceptance for publication is not affiliated with the journal. Acceptance for review does not mean acceptance for publication.
For more information on imitators and how to avoid them, please refer to the editorial, "Predatory Journals — What Can We Do to Protect Their Prey?" from the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICJME).