Characteristics for All Evaluable Patients by Subpopulations Defined by Cutoffs for the 2 Methods

CharacteristicsAll evaluableΔSUVmax > 66%ΔSUVmax ≤ 66%DS ≤ 3DS > 3
No. of patients59653462326270
Median age (y)62 (IQR, 51–70)62 (IQR, 51–70)62 (IQR, 50–69)62 (IQR, 52–70)61 (IQR, 50–70)
Age > 60 y (n)308 (51.8%)274 (51.4%)34 (54.8%)174 (53.5%)134 (49.6%)
Male sex (n)331 (55.5%)294 (55.1%)37 (59.7%)185 (56.7%)146 (54.1%)
ECOG performance status ≥ 2 (n)59 (9.9%)47 (8.8%)12 (19.4%)23 (7.1%)36 (13.3%)
Ann Arbor stage III or IV (n)349 (58.7%)304 (57.0%)45 (72.6%)173 (53.2%)176 (65.2%)
Extranodal sites > 1 (n)192 (32.3%)166 (31.1%)26 (41.9%)94 (28.9%)98 (36.3%)
Lactate dehydrogenase > ULN (n)329 (55.3%)289 (54.2%)40 (64.5%)151 (46.5%)178 (65.9%)
International Prognostic Index (n)
 Low risk219 (36.8%)205 (38.5%)14 (22.6%)140 (43.1%)79 (29.3%)
 Low to intermediate risk155 (26.1%)137 (25.7%)18 (29.0%)83 (25.5%)72 (26.7%)
 High to intermediate risk124 (20.8%)110 (20.6%)14 (22.6%)61 (18.8%)63 (23.3%)
 High risk97 (16.3%)81 (15.2%)16 (25.8%)41 (12.6%)56 (20.7%)
  • DS = Deauville score; IQR = interquartile range; ECOG = Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; ULN = upper limit of normal.

  • Data on International Prognostic Index was not available for 1 patient with ΔSUVmax > 66% and DS > 3.