Patient Characteristics

CharacteristicData, n (%) or Mean ± SD
 Male14 (61%)
 Female9 (39%)
Age (y)63 ± 11
Primary site
 Cecal1 (4%)
 Colon10 (43%)
 Rectum12 (52%)
Baseline tumor burden* (%)19 ± 16
 <25%17 (74%)
 25%–50%5 (22%)
 >50%1 (4%)
Baseline individual tumor volume (cm3)107 ± 284
Baseline total tumor volume (cm3)436 ± 471
Extrahepatic metastases
 Lung12 (52%)
 Mediastinum2 (9%)
 Lymph node7 (30%)
Prior systemic therapies
 1 line2 (9%)
 2 lines13 (57%)
 3 lines8 (35%)
Prior EBRT2 (9%)
Hepatectomy7 (30%)
Ras mutation7 (30%)
SIRT treatment
 Coil embolization22 (96%)
 Number of tumors96
 Number of tumors considered per patient4.0 ± 2.4
 Administered activity (MBq)1,469 ± 428
  • * Total tumor volume/liver volume, from baseline CT imaging.

  • Sum volume of tumors at baseline based on CT contours.