Dedicated 4-Year Nuclear Medicine Training Program

Year of trainingCurriculumRequirements
First yearBasic science and conventional nuclear medicine (planar imaging and SPECT)Radiation physics, radiochemistry, radiation biology, and instrumentation
Introduction to cross-sectional imagingConventional nuclear medicine studies for musculoskeletal system, myocardial perfusion, endocrinology, gastrointestinal tract, inflammation, infection, pulmonary function, neurology, oncology, and urinary tract
Second yearCT and cross-sectional imagingPET (PET/CT and PET/MRI), CT, MRI
Third yearMolecular radiotherapy and nuclear theranosticsDosimetry
Therapy-related radiobiology
Patient management
Fourth yearAdvanced diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicineRadiology (elective)
Selected focus domains: cardiac imaging, neuroimaging, oncology, nuclear theranostics