Abnormal 18F-FDG PET/MRI Findings for Patients

SUVmax of 18F-FDG on:
PatientPainful sideLocationLesion sideContralateral sideMRI abnormalities
1RightRight L5–S1 lateral recess1.661.08Compression of right S1 spinal nerve by disk bulge at L5–S1
Right biceps femoris muscle1.390.85
2RightRight L5–S1 lateral recess1.341.05Compression of right S1 spinal nerve by disk bulge at L5–S1
Right biceps femoris muscle1.000.51
Right extensor halluces longus muscle2.501.33
3RightRight L5–S1 lateral recess1.261.18Compression of right S1 spinal nerve by disk bulge at L5–S1
Right biceps femoris muscle1.421.24
4LeftLeft L4–L5 lateral recess1.361.06Compression of left L5 spinal nerve by disk bulge at L4–L5
Left soleus muscle1.100.84
5RightRight L5–S1 lateral recess1.751.20Compression of right S1 spinal nerve by disk bulge at L5–S1
Right tibialis anterior muscle1.240.82
6RightRight S2 peripheral nerve1.41.2Entrapment of right S2 peripheral nerve by piriformis muscle
7LeftLeft gastrocnemius and soleus muscles1.840.84Mild compression of right S1 spinal nerve by disk bulge at L5–S1
8LeftLeft L5–S1 facet joint2.941.53Bilateral facet arthropathy at L5–S1
Left hamstring tendon2.11.4
9LeftLeft L5 pars1.300.80Bilateral L5 pars defects; neuritis at left L4–S1 spinal nerve