Fifty-Six Extracted In Vivo and Ex Vivo Features and Patient Characteristics Assigned to Each Delineated Lesion in Feature Vector

Feature categoryFeature name
In vivo general (6)Minimum, maximum, sum, mean, SD, variance
In vivo histogram (6)Mean, energy, variance, entropy, skewness, kurtosis
In vivo shape (3)Compactness, volume, spheric dice coefficient
In vivo GLCM (17)Inverse difference, inverse difference moment, sum average, sum entropy, difference variance, difference entropy, information correlation, auto correlation, cluster shade, cluster prominence, maximum probability, entropy, contrast, dissimilarity, angular second moment, sum-of-squares variance, correlation
In vivo GLZSM (11)Emphasis on small zone, large zone, low-gray-level zone, high-gray-level zone, small low-gray-level zone, small high-gray-level zone, large low-gray-level zone, large high-gray-level zone; gray-level nonuniformity; zone-size nonuniformity; zone-size percentage
In vivo NGTDM (5)Coarseness, contrast, complexity, busyness, texture strength
Ex vivo (3)Histology, WHO 2007 grade, IDH1 R132H mutational status
Patient (5)Age, weight, height, body mass index, Karnofsky score
  • GLCM = gray-level cooccurrence matrix, GLZSM = gray-level zone-size matrix, NGTDM = neighborhood gray-tone difference matrix.

  • Details of listed in vivo features can be found in supplemental materials.