Concordance of NOPR Post-PET Treatment Plans and Claims-Inferred Care

NOPR treatment planCancer typeImaging indicationNo. of patientsAgreement (%)95 confidence interval of agreement (%)Other treatmentsNo treatment claims
SurgeryLungIS2519 (76.0)54.9–90.6**
OtherIS13098 (75.4)67.1–82.521 (16.1)11 (8.5)
ProstateIS506298 (58.9)54.5–63.2183 (36.1)27 (5.3)
Chemotherapy ± otherLungIS148120 (81.0)73.8–87.120 (13.5)*
LungFOM136100 (73.5)65.3–80.712 (8.8)24 (17.6)
Chemotherapy onlyOtherIS11177 (69.4)59.9–77.816 (14.4)18 (16.2)
FOM228154 (67.5)61.0–73.619 (8.3)55 (24.1)
RadiationLungIS8067 (83.7)73.8–91.1**
FOM3626 (72.2)54.8–85.8**
OtherIS3024 (80.0)61.4–92.3**
FOM5440 (74.0)60.3–85.0**
FOM5936 (61.0)47.4–73.4**
ProstateIS729616 (84.4)81.7–87.175 (10.3)38 (5.2)
FOM422289 (68.4)63.8–72.960 (14.2)73 (17.3)
ADT onlyProstateIS308265 (86.0)81.7–89.727 (8.8)16 (5.2)
FOM1,088895 (82.3)79.9–84.536 (3.3)157 (14.4)
ADT + radiationProstate
 ADT componentIS517418 (80.8)77.2–84.117 (3.3)15 (2.9)
FOM271205 (75.6)70.1–80.6*29 (10.7)
 Radiation componentIS517424 (82.0)78.4–85.217 (3.3)15 (2.9)
FOM271183 (67.5)61.6–73.1*29 (10.7)
  • * Cell count < 11.

  • Radiation component of plans of radiation plus chemotherapy.

  • Radiation therapy only.

  • Data in parentheses are percentages.