Demographics of Study Cohort (n = 21,167)

Age (y)74 (70–80)
Signs or symptoms prompting scan
 A single other sign639 (3.0)
 Elevated or rising PSA level only6,355 (30.0)
 Evidence from other imaging1,532 (7.2)
 Pain only4,826 (22.8)
 Multiple signs2,279 (10.8)
 None5,536 (26.2)
Summary stage
 Local/NED7,922 (37.4)
 LN+/regional1,563 (7.4)
 Single metastasis1,994 (9.4)
 Multiple metastases6,263 (29.6)
 Unknown3,425 (16.2)
Results of NaF PET scan
 Benign or equivocal11,880 (56.1)
 Probable1,869 (8.8)
 Definite7,418 (35.0)
Comparison of physicians’ estimates of extent of disease before and after PET
 Less extensive after PET5,254 (29.1)
 More extensive after PET6,497 (35.9)
 No change6,329 (35.0)
  • PSA = prostate-specific antigen; NED = no evidence of disease; LN+ = lymph nodal disease positive.

  • Data are n followed by percentage in parentheses, except for age, which is median followed by interquartile range.