miTNM Classification for PSMA-Ligand PET/CT or PET/MRI

Local tumor (T)
 miT0No local tumor
 miT2Organ-confined tumor; report intraprostatic tumor location on sextant basis (Table 3)
 miT3Non–organ-confined tumor; report intraprostatic tumor location on sextant basis (Table 3)
  aExtracapsular extension
  bTumor invading seminal vesicles
 miT4Tumor invading adjacent structures other than seminal vesicles, such as external sphincter, rectum, bladder, levator muscles, or pelvic wall
 miTrPresence of local recurrence after radical prostatectomy
Regional nodes (N)
 miN0No positive regional lymph nodes
 miN1aSingle lymph node region harboring lymph node metastases; report location by standardized template (Table 4)
 miN1bMultiple (≥2) lymph node regions harboring lymph node metastases; report locations by standardized template (Table 4)
Distant metastases (M)
 miM0No distant metastasis
 miM1Distant metastasis
  aExtrapelvic lymph nodes; additionally report location by standardized miM1a template (Table 4)
  bBones; additionally report pattern (Table 5) and involved bones if unifocal or oligometastatic
  cOther sites; additionally report involved organ