NEMA NU-2 Measurements for Other Commercial PET Scanners

GE HealthcareSiemens HealthcarePhilips Healthcare
ParameterDiscovery MI PET/CT (this work)SIGNA PET/MR (12)Discovery 690/710 PET/CT (4)Biograph mCT Flow PET/CT (7)Biograph mMR PET/MR (14)Vereos Digital PET/CT (20)Ingenuity TF 128 PET/CT (8)
Axial FOV (cm)202515.722.125.816.418
Transverse FOV (cm)7060707059.467.667.6
Detector ring diameter (cm)74.462.481.084.265.676.490
Crystal thickness (mm)25252520201922
Spatial resolution FWHM*
 Radial, 1 cm4.104.464.704.334.34.014.84
 Tangential, 1 cm4.194.084.704.334.34.014.84
 Axial, 1 cm4.485.354.744.
 Radial, 10 cm5.475.815.345.165.2NA5.25
 Tangential, 10 cm4.494.444.794.724.8NA5.01
 Axial, 10 cm6.016.755.555.856.6NA5.23
 Radial, 20 cm7.538.42NA5.55NA5.82NA
 Tangential, 20 cm4.905.27NA6.48NA5.82NA
 Axial, 20 cm6.107.30NA7.80NA6.17NA
Center of FOV (cps/kBq)13.7 (7.5) (5.4§)
Counting rate statistics
 Peak NECR (kcps)193.4214.8139.1185184171124.1
 Peak NEC activity (kBq/mL)21.917.629.029.023.15020.3
 Peak NEC scatter fraction (%)40.642.53733.537.93036.7
Maximum absolute error (%)
Contrast recovery in spheres
 10 mm53.736.54428.532.56217
 13 mm64.050.65642.350.0NA46
 17 mm73.160.06558.462.9NA58
 22 mm82.768.67571.770.88863
 28 mm86.880.78770.165.18668
 37 mm90.788.68978.372.38968
Timing resolution (ps)375.4390544.35552,930322502
Energy resolution (%)9.4010.512.4NA14.511.011.1
  • * Filtered backprojection.

  • Radial and tangential values are averaged.

  • With 15-cm axial FOV (16).

  • § With 16.2-cm axial FOV (11).

  • Value is unclear in reference.

  • NA = not applicable; NEC = noise-equivalent count.

  • For each column, numeric precisions are exactly as presented in that reference. The Discovery 690 and 710 have same PET subsystem, so the NEMA results apply to both. The Vereos Digital is not yet commercially available.