CLI and Postoperative Histopathology Results for Each Patient in Analysis Dataset

PatientTumor typeHistologic grade invasive (1–3)ER/HER2 status of invasive cancer (Pos/neg)Mean tumor radiance (photons/s/cm2/sr)TBRMargin distance CLI surgeons 1 and 2* (mm)Margin distance histopathology (mm)Tumor size CLI surgeons 1 and 2* (mm)Invasive tumor size histopathology (mm)Whole tumor size histopathology (mm)
1NST DCIS2Pos/Neg1313
2NST DCIS3Neg/Pos453.592.346, 6>5*2222
3NST3Neg/Neg871.163.222, 2320, 182020
28, 30>5
4NST DCIS3Neg/Neg1414
5NST DCIS3Pos/Neg405.762.032, 3518, 182020
6ILC2Pos/Neg544.042.449, 9>520, 192222
7NST3Pos/Neg667.472.7210, 11>5*2525
8NST DCIS2Pos/Neg308.301.636, 8>519, 191535
16, 15>5
9NST DCIS3Pos/Neg593.933.0814, 13>514, 151819
6, 7>5
10NST DCIS3Pos/Neg648.292.468, 8>522, 221929
11NST DCIS2Pos/Neg466.032.5415, 14>513, 111313
12NST DCIS3Pos/Neg637.081.639, 9>512, 101414
30, 31>5
22, 22>5
  • * Margin distance and tumor size are shown for surgeons 1 and 2, respectively.

  • Histopathologic tumor size displayed in table is tumor size measured in same direction as tumor size measurement on CLI. In patients 3, 11, and 12, largest invasive and whole tumor size (i.e., extent of DCIS and invasive cancer) were measured in different direction, and were 32, 33, and 25 mm, respectively.

  • No elevated tumor radiance on CLI.

  • Presence of orientation inks prevented measuring tumor size on CLI.

  • ER = estrogen receptor; HER2 = human epidermal growth factor receptor 2; NST = invasive carcinoma of ductal/no special type; Pos = positive; Neg = negative; ILC = invasive lobular carcinoma.