Patient Characteristics at Time of Seizure Diagnosis

CaseCenterAge (y)SexDiagnosisTumor localizationTreatmentDisease statusSeizure disorder before
1 + 2*F64FAA (1989)Right frontalSU, RA, CT 1989SD, no residual tumorYes (motor SPS, TCS)
3R66FO (1985)Right frontalSU, RA, PCV 1985SD, no residual tumorYes (motor SPS)
4S44MA (1991)Left frontotemporalSU 1991, 1996, 1997SD, no residual tumorYes (TCS)
OA (1996)RA/BCNU 1997
AOA (1997)
5R54MA (2014)Left frontoparietalSU, TMZ 2014PD of residual tumorYes (motor SPS)
6S68FO (2004)Right frontalSU 2004SD, residual tumorYes (motor SPS, TCS)
AO (2011)SU, RA/TMZ 05/2011
CCNU 11/2011
7R51MGBM (2013)Right frontalSU 2013ID of GBMYes (CPS, TCS)
8R29FA (2012)Right frontoparietalSU 2012, TMZ 2012–2013PD of residual tumorYes (motor/sensory SPS, TCS)
sGBM (2015)SU + RA/TMZ 2015
9R45MAO (2012)Right frontotemporalSU, RA/TMZ 2012SD, residual tumorNo
PC 2014
BEV/CCNU 2014–2015
10R76FNonconvulsive SE caused by septic encephalopathy (6/2013)Anticonvulsive treatmentNo recoveryYes (nonconvulsive SE 4/2013)
11S66FEmbolic cerebral ischemia (2011)Anticonvulsive treatmentSeizure-free after 1 dNo
  • * Patient presented with same clinical symptoms and EEG findings according to SE in 2011 and 2014. At both time points combined MRI and 18F-FET PET imaging was available.

  • F = Freiburg, Germany; R = Regensburg, Germany; S = Salzburg, Austria; O = oligodendroglioma WHO II; A = astrocytoma WHO II; OA = oligoastrocytoma WHO II; AA = anaplastic astrocytoma WHO III; AOA = anaplastic oligoastrocytoma WHO III; AO = anaplastic oligodendroglioma WHO III; GBM = glioblastoma WHO IV (s, secondary); SU = surgery; RA = radiotherapy; TMZ = temozolomide; BCNU = carmustine; CCNU = lomustine; PC = procarbazine + CCNU; PCV = procarbazine + CCNU + vincristine; BEV = bevacizumab; SD = stable disease; PD = progressive disease; ID = initial diagnosis.