Clinical Trials Using Nanoparticles

TypeSize (nm)Agent and modalityMotivationIndicationTrial
Sulfur colloid<22099mTc, SPECTMap lymph nodes during rectal surgeryColon cancerNCT02112240
Sulfur colloid<22099mTc, SPECTRaise pH of contrast agent to minimize painCancerNCT01660412
Sulfur colloid<22099mTc, SPECTMap lymph nodes during rectal surgeryHead and throat cancerNCT00012168
Gold150Nanoshell, photothermalIncrease local heating better than by laser aloneHead and neck cancerNCT00848042
Silica3–10124I and Cy5, PET and opticalDefine sentinel lymph nodesMelanomaNCT01266096
Iron oxide17–30Ferumoxytol, MRIMonitor response to bevacizumab therapyGliomaNCT00769093
Iron oxide17–30Ferumoxytol, MRILocalize lymph node metastasesPancreatic cancerNCT00920023
Iron oxide80–150Ferumoxide, MRIIdentify presence of implanted stem cellsInflammationNCT01169935
Iron oxide17–30Ferumoxytol, MRIDetect recent myocardial infarctionMyocardial infarctionNCT01995799