Studies Investigating Predictive Ability of End-of-Treatment PET Imaging in HL

StudyPatient populationTreatment regimenPET+PET−
Spaepen, 2001 (68)60 HL patients (25 limited, 35 advanced)Stanford V, MOPP/ABV2-y PFS: 0%2-y PFS: 91%
Weihrauch, 2001 (69)28 HL patients (10 limited, 18 advanced/relapsed)Nonuniform1-y DFS: 40%1-y DFS: 95%
Kobe, 2008 (70)817 bulky/advanced-HL patients6–8 cycles (BEACOPP)2-y PFS: 86%2-y PFS: 96%
Barnes, 2011 (15)96 limited-HL patients4 cycles (ABVD)4-y PFS: 54%4-y PFS: 94%
Kobe, 2014 (21)739 advanced-HL patients6–8 cycles (BEACOPP)4-y PFS: 86.1%4-y PFS: 91.5%
  • MOPP/ABV = mechlorethamine, vincristine, procarbazine, prednisone, adriamycin, bleomycin, and vinblastine; DFS = disease-free survival.