%diff and |%diff| in 18F-FDG Uptake (kBq/mL) Between CT-AC and Each s-/m-Atlas in Each Merged Region

ParameterFrontal lobeOccipital lobeParietal lobeInsula and cingulateCentral structureTemporal lobe*Cerebellum*
%diff on s-Atlas−0.87% ± 1.47%0.21% ± 1.67%−0.37% ± 1.70%−0.20% ± 1.12%0.58% ± 1.09%1.49% ± 1.37%1.55% ± 1.97%
%diff on m-Atlas−0.64% ± 1.13%0.04% ± 1.53%−0.06% ± 1.41%0.35% ± 0.92%0.53% ± 1.04%−0.37% ± 1.41%−1.15% ± 1.72%
|%diff| on s-Atlas1.46% ± 0.83%1.15% ± 1.19%1.42% ± 0.92%0.87% ± 0.71%0.97% ± 0.74%1.77% ± 0.95%2.11% ± 1.28%
|%diff| on m-Atlas1.12% ± 0.61%1.25% ± 0.82%1.18% ± 0.71%0.80% ± 0.55%0.91% ± 0.69%1.15% ± 0.85%1.49% ± 1.40%
  • * s-Atlas vs. m-Atlas, P < 0.01.

  • %diff is CT-AC minus s-/m-AC divided by CT-AC. |%diff| is absolute value of %diff.