Comparison of Liposomal Uptake, Tumor Growth, and Morphology in High- Versus Low-Uptake Tumors

CharacteristicHigh uptake (n = 9)Low uptake (n = 17)P
Liposomal uptake
 Liposomes (in vivo)4.16 (3.67–5.01)2.12 (1.50–2.45)<0.0001*
 Liposomes (ex vivo)4.24 (3.95–7.06)2.26 (1.76–2.62)<0.0001*
Time in days25 (21–43)70 (52–79)0.0104*
Morphological parameters
 PEG percentage5.64 (4.92–11.77)2.50 (0.97–4.07)0.0018*
 CD31 percentage2.84 (2.08–3.98)2.87 (2.12–5.57)0.5899
 Pimonidazole percentage37.13 (24.12–40.72)33.49 (27.23–45.19)0.6276
 Ki-67 percentage7.63 (5.32–9.21)7.79 (5.52–11.39)0.4188
 LYVE-1 percentage0.37 (0.15–0.79)0.21 (0.06–0.41)0.2465
 CD11b percentage1.01 (0.31–2.26)1.40 (0.39–2.53)0.4834
 Collagen percentage18.56 (12.23–20.23)13.72 (8.31–16.46)0.0524
  • * Significant at P level of less than 0.05.

  • Statistical test used was 2-tailed Mann–Whitney U test. Data are median, with interquartile ranges in parentheses.