Characteristics of 8 Charles River CD IGS Rats

AnimalExperimentWeight (g)InterventionRouteOutcome
ISM480Insulin, 0.0083 IU/kgTail vein18F-FDG uptake
IISM590Insulin, 0.0041 IU/kgTail vein18F-FDG uptake
SF590Insulin, 3.39 IU/kgTail vein18F-FDG uptake
SF573Insulin, 20.94 IU/kgTail vein18F-FDG uptake
IIISham622No insulinNot applicable18F-FDG uptake
IVSF495Insulin, 48.48 IU/kgTail vein18F-FDG uptake
VIAM SM (Sys + CL)267Insulin, 0.38 IU/kgLeft femoral arteryInsulin and glucose plasma levels
VIIAM SM (Sys + CL)294Insulin, 0.34 IU/kgLeft femoral artery18F-FDG uptake
VIIIAM SM (Sys + CL)289Insulin, 0.346 IU/kgLeft femoral artery18F-FDG uptake
VIIISham Sys + IL300SalineLeft femoral artery18F-FDG uptake
  • Rats II, V, VI, VII, and VIII had multiple experiments either over different days (rat II) or contemporaneously (rats V, VI, VII, and VIII) for a total of 17 datasets composed of 14 experimental sets of imaging data (18F-FDG) and 3 sets of chemical data (insulin and glucose plasma levels). Contemporaneous data refer to IAM data that were obtained together with systemic/contralateral microdose control data, at same time in same animal.

  • SM (8 experiments) = systemic microdose (including systemic microdose [Sys] and contralateral microdose [CL] effects after IAM); SF (3 experiments) = systemic full-dose comparator; Sham (3 experiments) = systemic exposure after no insulin or saline interventions (animal VIII had 2 datasets: systemic [Sys] and ipsilateral [IL]); IAM (3 experiments) = intraarterial microdosing intervention and ipsilateral (target) effects.