Treatment-Intensification Patients (n = 15), Baseline Characteristics, Percentage of Intensification, Dosimetry, and Response

Clinical variableValue
Tumoral involvement (%)35.6 ± 15.6
Tumoral size (cm)8.8 ± 3.5
Child A/B (n)15/1
Injected activity (GBq)3.3 ± 1.8
Boost* (%)56 ± 40
ILD (Gy)187 ± 48
TD (Gy)353 ± 103
HILD (Gy)85 ± 25
Response rate (%)81
  • * Percentage increase in injected activity with reference to standard activity that should have been injected to achieve ILD of 120 Gy.

  • Data are mean ± SD, except for Child classification and response rate.