Literature Review

AuthorsPatients (n)LR (n)Time of 18FDG PET/CTRegistrationIndices*Defined and compared volumesResults
Aerts (▪)17A: d0Rigid ± manualOFA34–40–50–60–70–80OF34–60>0.70
B: Per-RT d7B34–40–50–60–70–80OF70–80>0.50
C: Per-RT d14C34–40–50–60–70–80
Abramyuk (8)1010A: Pre-RT?VisualA35R visually included in A35
R: Post-RT m6–9R automatic (ROVER)Threshold: 35% SUVmax
Aerts (▪)5522A: Pre-RTRigid ± manualOFA34–40–50–60–70OF A50∩R>aorta = 0.70
R: Post-RT m3R70–80–90OF A50∩R80 = 077
R>aorta; R>2.5; R>5OF A50∩R90 = 0.84
Threshold: 50% SUVmax
Aerts (▪)127A: Pre-RTRigid ± manualOFA34–40–50–60–70OF A50∩R>aorta = 0.68
R: Post-RT m3R70–80–90OF A50∩R90 = 0.74
R>aortaThreshold: 50% SUVmax
Shusharina (11)6117A: Pre-RTNonrigidOFA50OF A50∩Rd10 = 0.80
R: Post-RT d10DerivedR80OF A50∩Rm3 = 0.63
R: Post-RT m3TransformationOF A50∩Rm6 = 0.38
R: Post-RT m6MatrixThreshold: 50% SUVmax
Present study3917A: Pre-RTRigid ± manualDiceA30–40–50–60–70–80–90A70∩R40/A70 = OF A70∩R40 = 0.67
B: d0JaccardB40 and B90A70∩R90/R90 = OF A70∩R90 = 0.56
C: Per-RT d21OFC40 and C90A60∩R90/R90 = OF A60∩R90 = 0.68
R: Post-RT m3–12A∩R/AR40 and R90Threshold: 70% SUVmax
  • *Overlap quantification.

  • Numeric indices refer to threshold for delineation.

  • d = days after radiotherapy began; m = months after radiotherapy began; OF = overlap fraction; RT = radiotherapy.

  • Threshold refers to recommended threshold for hot-spot delineation.