Effects to Be Assumed in Each Study to Reach Power of 90%

Binary outcome*Time-to-event outcomeContinuous outcome
StudyFailure rate control armnRR (90%)StudynHR (90%)StudynCohen d (90%)
de Bree§ (14)0.3875/750.36Beanlands (21)136/4180.56Herder (20)233/2320.30
Fischer (25)0.4291/980.46Sobhani (18)44/1300.34
Monteil (19)0.7233/360.44Siebelink (22)24/1030.20
Mullani (16)0.71105/1050.68Tsai (23)25/1290.21
Maziak (17)0.93162/1670.86
Ruers (26)0.4575/750.43
Viney (24)0.9892/910.85
van Tinteren (9)0.4196/920.46
  • * Data are failure rate in control arm, number of patients in control arm and number in PET arm, and relative risk (RR) to be assumed.

  • Data are number of events observed and number in overall sample, and hazard ratio (HR) to be assumed.

  • Data are number of patients in control arm and number in PET arm, and Cohen d to be assumed. One study with crossover design (17) is not included in this table.

  • § Assumptions are according to published study protocol.

  • Study reports success rate, which is transformed to failure rate.