Patient Characteristics Before Injection with 111In-ABY-025

Patient no.Age (y)HER2 status in primary tumor (HercepTest)Primary tumor ER/PgRPretreatment serum HER2 (μg/L)Metastasis locations on 18F-FDG PET/CTInjected 111In-ABY-025 (MBq)On trastuzumab during imagingTherapy history*
1693+−/−21Lymph node131YesS, R, C, T, L
2573++/−26Lymph node, liver, bone135YesS, R, C, E, T, L
3463+−/−56Lymph node, bone, liver, adrenal139YesS, R, C, T, L
4703++/−8.8Lymph node, lung, bone, brain, thyroid153YesS, R, C, E, T, L
5661+−/−16Lymph node, bone137NoS, R, C,
6650+/−12Bone, liver, lung139NoS, R, C, E
7573++/+23Lymph node, bone154YesS, C, E, T, L
  • * More information on therapy history is provided in the supplemental material.

  • ER = estrogen receptor; PgR = progesterone receptor; S = surgery; R = radiotherapy; C = chemotherapy; E = endocrine therapy; T = trastuzumab; L = lapatinib.