Image Acquisition Protocol

ScanField of viewNo. of bed positionsMinutes per bed position
Attenuation CT1*Vertex to mid thigh6–7
18F-D4-FCH injection
 Emission scan 1Vertex to mid thigh6–71
 Emission scan 2Vertex to mid thigh6–72
 Emission scan 3Vertex to mid thigh6–75
 Emission scan 4Vertex to mid thigh6–75
 Attenuation CT2*Vertex to mid thigh6–7
 Emission scan 5Vertex to mid thigh6–77
 Emission scan 6Vertex to mid thigh6–77
  • * CT settings: 130 kV; 15 effective mAs; pitch, 1.5; slice thickness, 5 mm; rotation time, 0.6 s; and effective dose, 2.5 mSv.

  • Emission data were reconstructed using ordered-subsets expectation maximization algorithm (3 iterations and 21 subsets).

  • Imaging performed caudocranially.