Resources and Procedures Involved in Representative Patient Visit

Intervention groupControl group
Procedure groupResourceProcedureBaselineMonths 1, 2, 4, 8, 18, 30, 42, 54Years 1, 3, 4Years 2, 5Years 1, 3, 4Years 2, 5
Nurse assessmentOne registered nurseAssessment of physical activityXXXXXX
Recording of medicationsXXXXXX
Monitoring of eventsXXXXX
PET scanOne nuclear technician12-lead electrocardiographyXNot requiredNot requiredXNot requiredX
One cardiologistLabs, routineXXX
Labs for future analysisXXX
TreadmillOne registered nurseExercise stress testXNot requiredXXNot requiredX
One cardiologistXXXX
Diet consultOne dieticianDiet assessmentXXXXXX
Diet consultXXX
Physician consultOne cardiologistPhysician consultXXXX