Patient Characteristics and Events

Age at baseline PET (y)
Sex (n = 48)
 Female10 (21)
 Male38 (79)
Smoking (n = 48)
 Active33 (69)
 Former12 (25)
 Unknown3 (6)
Alcohol use (n = 48)
 Active35 (73)
 Former4 (8)
 Never4 (8)
 Unknown5 (10)
T stage (n = 50)
 11 (2)
 225 (50)
 317 (34)
 47 (14)
N stage (n = 50)
 022 (44)
 16 (12)
 2c11 (22)
International Union Against Cancer stage (n = 50)
 II12 (24)
 III13 (26)
 IVA25 (50)
Histologic grade (n = 50)
 14 (8)
 226 (52)
 311 (22)
 Unknown9 (18)
Primary tumor site (n = 50)
 Oral cavity1 (2)
 Oropharynx27 (54)
 Larynx14 (28)
 Hypopharynx8 (16)
Treatment (n = 48)
 Radiotherapy33 (69)
 Chemoradiotherapy15 (31)
No. of events tumor-related (n = 48)
 Locoregional recurrence7 (15)
 Distant metastases*4 (8)
 Tumor-related death7 (15)
No. of events not tumor-related (n = 48)
 Death due to another cause6 (13)
 Second primary tumor after start of study8 (17)
  • * Distant metastases (pulmonal, skeletal, cerebral, and cutaneous) were detected after 7, 9, and 11 mo.

  • Second primary tumors were located in head and neck area, lungs, esophagus, rectum, bladder, and skin.

  • Data are numbers of patients, with percentages in parentheses, except for age, which is years.