Contribution of OATP1B1 and OATP1B3 to Hepatic Uptake of SC-62807 in Humans

Reference compoundsSC-62807
Lot no. and transporter(1) Human hepatocytes* (CLhepatocyte,ref [μL/min/106 cells])(2) OATP1B1-HEK or OATP1B3-HEK (CL1B1,ref or CL1B3,ref [μL/min/mg protein])(3) R1B1 and R1B3: (1)/(2) (CLhepatocyte,ref/CL1B1,ref or CLhepatocyte,ref/CL1B3,ref)(4) OATP1B1-HEK or OATP1B3-HEK (CL1B1,SC or CL1B3,SC [μL/min/mg protein])Human hepatocytes (3) × (4) (CLhepatocyte,SC [μL/min/106 cells])Contribution (%)
 OATP1B1110311 ± 25.80.35310.23.6030.2
 OATP1B37.8947.0 ± 5.480.16849.48.3069.8
 OATP1B1134311 ± 25.80.43010.24.3854.3
 OATP1B33.5047.0 ± 5.480.074549.43.6845.7
 OATP1B157.7311 ± 25.80.18510.21.8947.0
 OATP1B32.0247.0 ± 5.480.043049.42.1253.0
  • * These data are cited from previous report (28) in which uptake of reference compounds (3H-E1S for OATP1B1 and 3H-CCK-8 for OATP1B3) were determined in 3 lots of cryopreserved hepatocytes (lot name: OCF, 094, and ETR).

  • Relative activity factors for OATP1B1 and OATP1B3 (R1B1 and R1B3, respectively) were defined using uptake of reference compounds in OATP1B1- and OATP1B3-expressing HEK293 cells (OATP1B1- and OATP1B3-HEK, respectively) determined in this study (CL1B1,ref or CL1B3,ref). OATP1B1- and OATP1B3-mediated uptake of SC-62087 in hepatocytes were estimated as product of R1B1 and CL1B1,SC and R1B1 and CL1B1,SC, respectively. Contribution was calculated as ratio of OATP-mediated uptake and CLhepatocyte,SC. Details of calculation are described in “Materials and Methods” section.