Linear Dependency of Total-Lung Early and Delayed L/M Ratios, Washout Rate, and Extent of Perfusion Defects and Low-Attenuation Areas on A-aDO2 in PE Patients

Early L/M ratioy = 34.147 – 8.569x0.4060.0027
Delayed L/M ratioy = 32.204 – 7.51x0.3630.029
Washout ratey = 22.042 – 1.18x0.833<0.0001
Perfusion defects*y = 11.265 + 459x0.3330.0471
Low-attenuation areasy = 20.345 + 031x0.024NS
  • * Percentage of total-lung voxels with radioactivity < 10% of maximum on perfusion SPECT.

  • Percentage of total-lung voxels with attenuation < −960 HU on CT.

  • NS = not statistically significant.