Levels of 11C-CFT Uptake in PD Patients and Controls

Nucleus accumbensCaudateVentralDorsalOrbitofrontal
SubjectAffected sideUnaffected sideAffected sideUnaffected sideAffected sideUnaffected sideAffected sideUnaffected sideAffected sideUnaffected side
Healthy control (n = 8)2.08 ± 0.202.23 ± 0.242.36 ± 0.292.51 ± 0.330.25 ± 0.08
PD patient (n = 12)1.29 ± 0.301.42 ± 0.251.48 ± 0.381.75 ± 0.301.18 ± 0.361.43 ± 0.370.99 ± 0.351.40 ± 0.470.17 ± 0.040.18 ± 0.06
% reduction38%32%34%22%50%39%61%45%34%28%
  • Each value is expressed as ratio index. % reduction denotes level of change in ratio index of PD patient compared with healthy control.