Effect of Various Clinical, Radiologic, and Histologic Findings on Progression-Free Survival in 44 Patients with Endocrine Tumors

ParameterHR95% CIPHR95% CIP
Sex (male vs. female)1.010.39–2.610.979
Site of primary tumor0.458
 Gastrointestinal vs. pancreas1.390.52–3.700.513
 Lung vs. pancreas2.320.61–8.840.219
Syndrome (no vs. yes)0.780.30–2.080.625
MEN 1 (no vs. yes)6.150.80–47.50.082
Stage of disease at CT*1.630.62–4.250.3214.120.99–17.20.052
Tumor differentiation (poorly vs. well)5.311.86–15.20.0027.002.11–23.30.001
Ki67 (≤5 vs. >5)1.350.44–4.140.602NANANA
SUVmax (≤17.6 vs. ≥19.3)5.972.22–16.1<0.0019.562.87–31.8<0.001
Therapy (SST vs. SST + SSTRT)3.811.36–10.70.0113.821.25–11.70.019
  • * Risk associated with increase in 1 category.

  • One patient without therapy was excluded.

  • HR = hazard ratio; MEN 1 = multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1; NA = not applicable; SST = somatostatin analogs; SSTRT = radiolabeled somatostatin analogs.