Patient Population, Indication for 68Ga-Citrate PET/CT, and Final Diagnosis

SUVmaxSUVmean of normal surrounding bone marrow
Patient no.SexAge (y)Indication for PET/CTTiming of PET/CT*Before therapyAfter therapyBefore therapyAfter therapyFinal diagnosis
1F64Acute osteomyelitis of ankleAfter therapy1.41.4TN
2F63acute osteomyelitis of elbowBefore and after therapy4., FP
3M18Acute osteomyelitis of tibiaBefore therapy4.32TP
4M34Acute osteomyelitis of tibiaBefore therapy2.60.8TP
5F32Acute osteomyelitis of tibiaBefore therapy5.50.9TP
6M29Acute osteomyelitis of tibiaBefore therapy4.41TP
7M58Acute osteomyelitis of tibiaBefore therapy2.41.7FP (lymphoma)
8M44Acute osteomyelitis of tibiaBefore and after therapy3.31.521.5TP, TN
9F60Acute osteomyelitis of tibiaBefore therapy2.60.9TP
10M20Acute osteomyelitis of tibiaBefore therapy41.3TP
11M18Acute osteomyelitis of tibiaBefore and after therapy3., TN
12M54Acute osteomyelitis of acetabulumBefore therapy60.9TP
13M19Acute osteomyelitis of hipBefore therapy80.8TP
14F20Acute osteomyelitis of hipBefore therapy7.32FP (osteoblastoma)
15M51Acute osteomyelitis of humerusBefore and after therapy4., TP
16M22Acute osteomyelitis of humerusBefore and after therapy2., TN
17M51Acute osteomyelitis of knee (proximal tibia)Before and after therapy3., TN
18M24Acute osteomyelitis of tibiaBefore and after therapy21.311.3TP, TN
19M65Chronic osteomyelitis of pelvisBefore therapy72FP (lymphoma)
20F68Chronic osteomyelitis of pelvisBefore therapy11TN
21F47Chronic osteomyelitis of femurAfter therapy1.91.9TN
22M23Chronic osteomyelitis of pelvisBefore therapy41.1TP
23M41DiskitisBefore and after therapy8., TN
24F49DiskitisBefore therapy5.32.2TP
25F10DiskitisBefore therapy4.14.1TN (SUVmax is high but comparable to normal bone marrow)
26F71DiskitisBefore therapy2.21.7TP
27F70DiskitisBefore therapy1.21.2TN
28M53DiskitisBefore therapy61.5TP
29F33DiskitisBefore and after therapy3., TN
30M52DiskitisBefore therapy22TN
31F50DiskitisBefore therapy5.61.8TP
  • * Mean: 9 before and after therapy, 21 before therapy only, and 1 after therapy only.

  • Normal value.

  • Bone implant or prosthesis; mean = 7.

  • Patient 18 was excluded.

  • TN = true-negative; TP = true-positive; FP = false-positive.