Absorbed Radiation Dose Normalized to Injected Dose (mSv/MBq)

Dose from…
Target organβPhotonTotalSD
Adrenals5.12 × 10−43.29 × 10−33.80 × 10−35.50 × 10−4
Brain3.65 × 10−31.83 × 10−35.48 × 10−34.89 × 10−4
Breasts5.12 × 10−49.68 × 10−41.48 × 10−32.57 × 10−4
Gallbladder wall1.99 × 10−28.26 × 10−32.81 × 10−21.08 × 10−2
LLI wall4.46 × 10−33.16 × 10−37.62 × 10−31.03 × 10−3
Small intestine1.99 × 10−24.97 × 10−32.48 × 10−23.98 × 10−3
Stomach wall5.12 × 10−42.17 × 10−32.68 × 10−33.78 × 10−4
ULI wall4.76 × 10−35.45 × 10−31.02 × 10−22.14 × 10−3
Heart wall1.47 × 10−32.20 × 10−33.67 × 10−34.35 × 10−4
Kidneys2.09 × 10−26.34 × 10−32.72 × 10−25.72 × 10−3
Liver1.68 × 10−28.27 × 10−32.50 × 10−24.44 × 10−3
Lungs6.24 × 10−32.30 × 10−38.54 × 10−32.07 × 10−3
Muscle5.12 × 10−41.43 × 10−31.94 × 10−32.70 × 10−4
Ovaries5.88 × 10−43.84 × 10−34.43 × 10−32.10 × 10−4
Pancreas5.12 × 10−43.09 × 10−33.60 × 10−34.87 × 10−4
Red marrow9.33 × 10−41.84 × 10−32.78 × 10−36.87 × 10−4
Osteogenic cells2.39 × 10−31.44 × 10−33.83 × 10−39.23 × 10−4
Skin5.12 × 10−47.75 × 10−41.29 × 10−32.16 × 10−4
Spleen5.12 × 10−41.93 × 10−32.44 × 10−33.77 × 10−4
Testes4.35 × 10−49.07 × 10−41.34 × 10−31.45 × 10−4
Thymus5.12 × 10−41.17 × 10−31.68 × 10−33.03 × 10−4
Thyroid5.12 × 10−47.66 × 10−41.28 × 10−32.29 × 10−4
Urinary bladder wall1.82 × 10−26.71 × 10−32.49 × 10−26.28 × 10−3
Uterus5.88 × 10−43.85 × 10−34.44 × 10−32.06 × 10−4
Total body1.49 × 10−31.68 × 10−33.17 × 10−34.01 × 10−4
  • LLI wall = lower large intestine wall; ULI = upper large intestine wall.

  • The organ receiving the highest dose was the gallbladder wall. Final column lists standard deviation of total dose across subjects.