Accuracy Studies of SPECT

StudyReference standardSPECT criteriaVentilation agentSPECT sensitivitySPECT specificitySPECT PPVProspectivePatient characteristic
Corbus (4)Conventional angioRevised PIOPED: high or inter = PE; low or normal = no PE99mTc-DTPANot doneNot done18/29 (62%)NoConsecutive suspected PE
Bajc (30)CT angio≥2 mismatches = PE; 1 mismatch = no PETechnegas24/26 (92%)54/76 (71%)NoConsecutive suspected PE
Bajc (30)Consensus, SPECT, CT angio≥2 mismatches = PE; 1 mismatch = no PETechnegas601/608 (99%)1,153/1,177 (98%)NoConsecutive suspected PE
Palla (2)Conventional angio if planar V/Q perfusion defectsDefects in ≥ 1 segment133Xe56/62 (90%)75/118 (64%)YesAll referred for suspected PE, not consecutive
Collart (20)Consensus V/Q, sonography, CT angio, D-dimerWedge-shaped defectNot done12/15 (80%)49/51 (96%)YesConsecutive suspected PE in emergency department
Reinartz (22)Not stated≥1 mismatchTechnegasReader 1, 96%Reader 1, 96%NoConsecutive suspected PE
Reader 2, 93%Reader 2, 100%
Reader 3, 89%Reader 3, 100%
Reinartz (23)Consensus, including SPECT and CT angio≥1 mismatchTechnegas36/37 (97%)42/46 (91%)NoSuspected PE
Bajc (19)Consensus, including SPECT and CT angio≥2 seg or subseg mismatches = PE; 0 mismatch = no PE99mTc-DTPAReader A, 13/13 (100%)Reader A, 37/40 (93%)Yes51 suspected PE
Reader B, 13/13 (100%)Reader B, 37/39 (95%)2 treated PE
Hata (32)CT angio if high or inter SPECTSeg perfusion defect, 2 or 3 planesNot doneNot doneNot done4/8 (50%)YesScreening after cancer surgery
Lemb (31)SPECT better, new defects, or normalized = PE; SPECT unchanged = no PE≥1 mismatch = PE; 0 mismatch = no PETechnegas44/46 (96%)38/39 (97%)NoAll referred for suspected PE
  • PPV = positive predictive value; angio = angiography; inter = intermediate; seg = segmental; subseg = subsegmental.