Drug-Related Factors That May Affect RBC Labeling with 99mTc

Drug-related factorEffect on RBC labeling with 99mTc
Drug interactions
 HeparinCompetes with RBCs for Sn2+ ion
 ChemotherapyDisrupts RBC cell membrane
 Digoxin or calcium channel blockerInterferes with uptake of Sn2+
 Metronidazole or ranitidineAlters outer cell membrane
 Iodinated contrast material less than 24 h before scintigraphyMechanism unknown
 Quinidine or dipyridamoleBlocks transmembrane transport
 PropranololIncreases dissociation
Circulating antibodies: prior transfusion, transplantationAlters outer cell membrane
Low hematocrit valueReduces 99mTc outside RBCs
Abnormal hemoglobin (thalassemia, sickle-cell disease)Alters structure of hemoglobin
Renal failure, recent stroke, acute myocardial infarction, diabetes mellitusMechanism(s) unknown