Adaptation of GRADE Definitions for Diagnostic Tests

Quality of evidenceStudy designDecrease if…Increase if…
HighRCT or prospective cross-sectional (or cohort) studies of patients with diagnostic uncertainty and direct comparisonStudy limitations exist*Test has low level of false-positive and false-negative results, and good data exist on beneficial consequences of avoiding false-positive and false-negative results (clinical outcomes)
 Serious limitations (−1)
 Very serious limitations (−2)
Important inconsistency is present (−1)
Directness (generalizability) is uncertain
 Some uncertainty (−1)
 Major uncertainty (−2)
Data are sparse or imprecise (−1)
Probability of reporting bias is high (−1)
LowAnything else
Very low
  • * Such as nonrepresentative population, presence of selection bias, poor choice of gold standard, incomplete performance of tests (verification bias), lack of independent test interpretation (detection bias), and loss to follow-up (attrition bias).