11C-Acetate Tracers in Metastatic Prostate Cancer Patients with Rising PSA

Author and yearnTracerClinical stateStudyPurpose and endpointStatistical methodConclusion
Sandblom et al. (63), 20062011C-acetateRising PSAProspectivePurpose: disease detection (local, nodal, metastatic)NonePathologic uptake, 75%
 Lesions assessed with CIM
Wachter et al. (71), 20065011C-acetateRising PSAProspectivePurpose: disease detection (local, nodal, metastatic) with retrospective CT/MRI fusionNoneTreatment influence, 28% (14/50)
Endpoint: lesions assessed with CIM-histopathology
Albrecht et al. (62), 20073211C-acetateRising PSAProspectivePurpose: disease detection (local, nodal, metastatic) using early and late PETIntercategory variation κ-testRT group: 5/6 PET + biopsy-proven
Endpoints:RP group: 3/8 PET+ responding to RT
 Decrease in PSA after irradiation to primary site
 Lesions assessed with CIM
  • CIM = conventional imaging modality; RT = radiotherapy; RP = radical prostatectomy.