NOPR Cohort Characteristics

Age, y
 Interquartile range (25%−75%)68–78
 <654,120 (10.1)
 >852,123 (5.2)
Females/males, %50.2/49.8
No. of scans, no. (%) of patients
 One29,832 (86.4)
 Two or more4,704 (13.6)
ECOG performance category (status)
 Asymptomatic: fully active (0)16,188 (39.6)
 Symptomatic, fully ambulatory (1)19,868 (48.6)
 Symptomatic in bed <50% of day (2)3,721 (9.1)
 Symptomatic in bed >50% of day (3)1,007 (2.5)
 Bedridden (4)79 (0.2)
Summary cancer stage before PET
 No evidence of disease4,914 (12.0)
 Localized only8,036 (19.7)
 Regional, by direct extension or lymph node involvement5,630 (13.8)
 Metastatic (distant), with single suspected site5,043 (12.3)
 Metastatic (distant), with multiple suspected sites6,984 (17.1)
 Unknown or uncertain10,256 (25.1)
Scan type and facility location, %
 Integrated PET/CT88.7
 Non–hospital-based location68.9
 Fixed location74.7
  • ECOG = Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group.

  • Results are reported as number (percentage) of scans unless otherwise indicated.