Statistical Findings for Prediction of Elevated OEF

PET parameterSensitivity (%)Specificity (%)PPV (%)NPV (%)Accuracy
CVR < 14%100 (17/17)51.3 (58/113)26.6 (17/64)100 (58/58)0.58
Type 3100 (17/17)83.2 (94/113)47.2 (17/36)100 (94/94)0.85
CBV > 4.4 mL/100 g17.6 (3/17)92.9 (105/113)27.3 (3/11)88.2 (105/119)0.83
CMRO2 > 2.7 mL/100 g/min23.5 (4/17)72.6 (82/113)11.4 (4/35)86.3 (82/95)0.66
MTT > 0.12 min88.2 (15/17)84.1 (95/113)45.5 (15/33)97.9 (95/97)0.58
Type 3 and CBV > 4.4 mL/100 g17.6 (3/17)100 (113/113)100 (3/3)89.0 (113/127)0.89
Type 3 and CMRO2 > 2.7 mL/100 g/min23.5 (4/17)99.1 (112/113)80.0 (4/5)89.6 (112/125)0.89
Type 3 and MTT > 0.12 min88.2 (15/17)97.3 (110/113)83.3 (15/18)98.2 (110/112)0.96
  • Values were rated as reduced when any value was less than mean − 2 SDs and rated as elevated when any value was more than mean + 2 SDs. On basis of our previous studies, CVR was judged as reduced when value was less than 14% (6,8,11).