Classification of Atherosclerotic Lesions

Standard American Heart Association classification*Revised morphologic classification
Type I: initial lesionNonatherosclerotic intimal lesions
Type IIa: progression-prone type II lesion Intimal thickening
Type IIb: progression-resistant type II lesion Fatty streak
Type III: intermediate lesion (preatheroma)Progressive atherosclerotic lesions
Type IV: atheroma Stable plaques
Type Va: fibroatheroma (type V lesion)  Pathologic intimal thickening
Type Vb: calcific lesion (type VII lesion)  Fibrous cap atheromas
Type Vc: fibrotic lesion (type VIII lesion)  Fibrocalcific lesions
Type VI: complicated lesion Vulnerable plaques
 VIa: with surface defect  Thin fibrous cap atheromas
 VIb: with hematoma–hemorrhage  Calcified nodule
 VIc: with thrombotic deposit Unstable thrombotic plaques
  Plaque rupture with luminal thrombus
  Plaque rupture with ulceration
  Plaque erosion
  Calcified nodule
Healed lesions
  • * From Stary et al. (137,138).

  • As modified by Virmani et al. (4) and Naghavi et al. (10).