Approach 1 | Approach 2 | Approach 3 |
Nontreatment* | Nontreatment* | Nontreatment* |
Treatment† | Treatment with curative intent‡ | Treatment including same mode of therapy§ |
Treatment with palliative intent‡ | Treatment with a change in mode of therapy§ |
↵* Nontreatment strategies: combination of watch, imaging, biopsy, or supportive care.
↵† Treatment strategies: All forms of treatment strategies were equal without considering therapeutic goal or changes in mode of therapy.
↵‡ Curative or palliative intent: A change in therapeutic intent (e.g., curative to palliative) considered an important change without considering mode of therapy.
↵§ Change in mode of therapy: A major change (e.g., from surgery to chemotherapy) without consideration of curative or palliative intent. See Table 5.