Question | Pre-PET | Post-PET |
Clinical indication* | × | |
If known cancer, primary site† and working stage‡ | 2 | |
Questions specific to clinical indication | 2–4 | |
Patient performance status§ | × | |
Did PET scan enable you to avoid more tests or procedures? | × | |
Intended management¶ | × | × |
If ordering physician is treating physician | × | × |
Ordering physician consent for research use of data by NOPR | × |
↵* Clinical indication: Cancer diagnosis, initial staging, restaging, suspected recurrence, or treatment monitoring. Cancer diagnosis includes assessment of patients with cancer of unknown primary and suspected paraneoplastic syndromes as well as assessment of those with lesions suspected to be cancer.
↵† Cancer site: 30 different sites listed alphabetically with corresponding ICD-9 code (ICD is International Classification of Diseases). If not listed, cancer type and ICD-9 code may be entered under “other.”
↵‡ Working stage: No evidence of disease/in remission; localized disease only; regional by direct extension or lymph node involvement or both; metastatic (distant) with a single suspected site; metastatic (distant) with multiple suspected sites; unknown or uncertain.
↵§ Performance status (Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group [ECOG]): 0, asymptomatic; 1, symptomatic, fully ambulatory; 2, symptomatic in bed < 50% of the day; 3, symptomatic in bed > 50% of the day, but not bedridden; 4, bedridden.
↵¶ Intended management: See Figure 2.